因为在上一步 我们已经可以从Storage Server上下载定制过的zip 文件了,所以这一步就是要吧从tarball包中的所有资源文件, 配置文件都复制到tomcat bundle中的相应位置从而达到定制,添加的目的 ,包括一些图片,js库,css样式,还有一些公用属性文件等:
- #copy the properties files to liferay home ,eg: portal-ext.properties
- echo "Begin copying the properties files to liferay home directory...."
- echo "${LOG_TIME_FORMAT} Begin copying the properties files to liferay home directory...." >>$TODAYLOG
- #here ,modified by charles ,not to get the enrironment from the $1,instead ,it gets this information from parsing the dnsdomainname
- echo "End copying the properties files to liferay home directory"
- echo "${LOG_TIME_FORMAT} End copying the properties files to liferay home directory" >> $TODAYLOG
- #copy all the css files into the liferay server
- echo "Begin copying the css files to liferay server..."
- echo "${LOG_TIME_FORMAT} Begin copying the css files to liferay server..." >>$TODAYLOG
- echo "End copying the css files to liferay server"
- echo "${LOG_TIME_FORMAT} End copying the css files to liferay server" >> $TODAYLOG
- #copy all the js files into the liferay server
- echo "Begin copying the javascript files to liferay server"
- echo "${LOG_TIME_FORMAT} Begin copying the javascript files to liferay server">>$TODAYLOG
- echo "End copying the js files to liferay server"
- echo "${LOG_TIME_FORMAT} End copying the js files to liferay server" >>$TODAYLOG
- #copy all the jar files into the liferay server
- echo "Begin copying the jar files to liferay server"
- echo "${LOG_TIME_FORMAT}/Begin copying the jar files to liferay server" >>$TODAYLOG
- echo "End copying the jar files to liferay server"
- echo "${LOG_TIME_FORMAT}/End copying the jar files to liferay server" >> $TODAYLOG